Modern Plant Support and Protection System
Out of Date Plant Support System
Agricultural raffia is widely known for its soft but very durable fiber. For that reason, it has been applied for decades in viticulture and training fruits and vegetables. The setting of agricultural-raffia is very sensitive and it depends on workers and their ability to handle plants with care. Even then, two main risks are present:
- The risk of mechanical transmission of all kind of pathogens and
- The risk of mechanical stress on plants due to manual operating with raffia twine.

Any Methods are able to provide a good protection against the prescence of the pathogens.
The pathogens transmission doesn’t necessarily mean that the workers have neglected the hygienic policy. They could have come into contact with the sick plant and then carried pathogens over to the healthy plant by accident. Despite all precautions, there is no guarantee that these two risks can be avoided. However, modern methods enable easier and more secure cultivation of crops.
The Alternative to Agricultural Raffia
In agriculture as in every other industry being efficient and productive is the only way to preserve the position in the market. It is important to take the maximum from the asset. Modern methods lower costs and reduce risks while simultaneously increasing the yield, and consequently the profit. Agricultural-raffia has an excellent alternative in implementing proven horticulture net such as Hortomallas. Its installation is fast and most important; it can be used over and over again. The advantages of such system are numerous. The risk of infection is almost excluded, and the net is far more stable than the single support of raffia twine. The plants can spread over the whole surface, and as they will not suffer from mechanical stress they will grow better. This horticulture net is cost effective on multi-level. You will need fewer workers, and through improving phytosanitary environment you will increase the productivity of your crop.
Long-lasting Protection from Birds

The Horticulture net provide help to your plants for that this can get the best growth.
After you have replaced the agricultural-raffia with horticulture net you should take a bird net into consideration. Your plants are not exposed only to risks of infection or mechanical stress caused by manual operating. Birds represent daily danger and serious problem to deal with. They often act like pests making sufficient damage on your fruits, vegetables or seeds. Even the smallest bite disqualifies your fruits and pecking from one fruit to another ruins significant percentage of your production. It is unacceptable, to let the birds compromise throughout the year effort. Bird net protects your trees as well as all kind of berries. It can be implemented on growing tunnels or side ventilation windows. This protection is permanent, efficient, and available in the variety of forms and sizes. It can fit any kind of agricultural surface even the small backyard gardens.
Reliable Supports of Climbing Beans
When peas and beans emerge from the seeds you can hardly imagine more gentle plant. Soon, they start to grow vertically and they can reach the height of the six feet. In terms of having the maximum productivity on the limited space, climbing beans are just the ideal choice. Hence, their stems with the heavy leaves and pods need long bean netting that can serve as reliable support. Creating supports of agricultural-raffia, bamboo or recycled material for climbing plants is not an option. It demands a lot of physical effort, time and workers and the final result are not satisfying. There is no guarantee that this kind of support will be strong enough to carry the weight and enough solid to resist the wind. Tall plants are exposed to the wind more than others. Hortomallas long bean netting is essential to provide the unimpeded growth of the plants. That means enough Sun, water, and space for every single stem.
How to Achieve Greater Production?
Agricultural-raffia can no longer stand as an optimal solution for tutoring crop but it can continue the career in decorating flower arrangements, tables or presents. It gains popularity on the other side while more and more farmers and gardeners abandon agricultural-raffia for more solid Hortomallas trellis nets. Greater production is the top priority and it is impossible to achieve it without certain investments. High-quality seeds, skilled professionals, and agricultural machinery are not sufficient to guarantee an excellent result while keeping in mind all risks that plants are exposed to, through the long period of their breeding. Providing enough warmth and water will reduce the impact of heavy weather conditions but don’t forget about harmful pathogens and pests. Manual operating exposes your plants to the risk of spreading pathogens from one infected example to many others without even noticing it. It can lead to the loss of the certain percentage of the yield. This damaging transmission can be avoided with the implementation of the trellis net. It provides the healthy phytosanitary environment and eliminates the mechanical stress on plants.

With the correct installation of the trellis net , will avoid the mechanical stress of your plants.
Horticulture Nets Are Essential for Protection and Support
Regardless of whether the field of your activity is the cultivation of fruit or vegetables, agricultural-raffia is something you no longer need. What you need is continuous protection and reliable support of the crop. Horticulture nets keep the trees safe from birds. They prevent birds from pecking between trunks and making damage on fruits. Thanks to the largest variety of shapes and sizes, the nets suit also all kind of berries. Growing tunnels and side ventilation windows can be hundred percent protected, as well as the small backyard gardens. High climbing vegetables, such as beans and peas are additionally exposed to the wind. Their weight may cause an accidental fall. Single support with raffia twine is not a good choice since it cannot prevent plants from struggling for the sunlight, air or space. Hortomallas netting has designed to enable independent growth of climbing plants, and it has an additional feature – it looks attractive. Reducing risks on all levels leads to the competitive production.