What uses can  give to the agricultural rafia

Plastic raffia is a useful material for trellising plants. This is due to its plastic characteristics, as it is lightweight and easy to handle. In addition, it can support a large amount of weight and is weather resistant. For these reasons, plastic raffia is becoming increasingly popular for plant trellising. First, plastic raffia can be used to support and elevate plant stems. This helps the plant receive sunlight evenly, allowing them to develop in a balanced way. This is especially helpful for large-leafed plants, which can develop an imbalance in their growth if only one side receives sunlight. In addition, plastic raffia is useful for supporting the fruits and flowers of plants.


This helps prevent the fruits and flowers from falling due to wind or some other external force, which can damage the plant. Another way in which plastic raffia is useful for trellising plants is to guide the growth of the stems. This is because plant stems naturally grow toward sunlight. By supporting a stem with plastic raffia, you can guide its growth in a certain direction, which helps the plant develop a harmonious shape.

Plastic raffia

Plastic raffia can also be used to support plant branches. This is useful for plants with a leafy growth habit, as branches can droop under the weight of fruit or flowers. Holding them with the plastic raffia helps to keep the plant in its desired shape. In conclusion, plastic raffia is a useful material for plant training. It can be used to support and elevate the stems of plants, to support their fruits and flowers, to guide the growth of the stems and to support their branches. These characteristics make plastic raffia an indispensable material for gardening.


Raffia cultivation for vegetables is a common practice in many parts of the world. This technique allows growers to obtain larger plants, with greater resistance and yield. Vegetable raffia is used to build supports for plant stems, providing support for fruits and vegetables. This technique has been used for centuries, but technological advances have allowed farmers to improve their practice. Vegetable raffia is made from fiber extracted from the bark of certain trees. This fiber is air-dried and worked to create a strong, durable type of cloth. This fabric is then wound to form cords, which are used to support the plants.

Plastic raffia for crops

The cords are wrapped around the stems of fruits and vegetables, providing them with support to grow and develop. Growers also use vegetable raffia to create temporary structures to support larger fruits and vegetables. These structures are usually built with sticks and covered with the raffia fabric. This helps hold the plant together and helps prevent them from falling over as they grow. This also keeps the fruits and vegetables from receiving damage from wind or animals. Vegetable raffia also has other uses. It can be used to mask crops to protect them from predators, such as birds and pests. This helps keep crops free of any problems that could affect fruit and vegetable production. Raffia can also be used to create baskets for transporting fruits and vegetables.

This helps keep the crop clean and safe during transport. Farmers also use vegetable raffia to create irrigation systems. This is done by constructing channels or pipe systems along the crop fields. These canals are covered with raffia fabric to prevent water from wasting and evaporating. This helps to keep the crop fields moist for the best yields. Overall, vegetable raffia is a very useful technique that farmers can use to get the best results from their crops. This technique has long been used to provide support for fruits and vegetables, protect crops from predators and prevent water from being wasted. Raffia can also be used to create baskets for crop transport. Vegetable raffia is a useful tool for growers who want to get the best results from their crops.

How to install a trellis in horticultural fields


Installing a trellis in horticultural fields is an efficient way to protect crops. This technique is increasingly use due to its versatility and efficiency, and it is very useful to protect numerous plants from various external diseases. To install a trellis in horticultural fields, growers must follow a series of simple steps.

First, the grower needs to calculate the exact amount of material needed for the installation. Depending on the size and shape of the horticultural field. This may require some prior measurements to determine the approximate size of the netting. Depending on the final destination, the grower may also opt to choose a stronger material. Different materials are available, such as polypropylene mesh, which is suitable for areas expose to later rainfall.

Once the exact amount of material need has been determine, the farmer needs to choose the appropriate design. Depending on the size and shape of the horticultural field, he can opt for cylindrical, hexagonal or rectangular designs. This selection is intend to ensure the best use of the land area. The most common design for these areas is the conical weave. Where two or more trellises are join at one end to form a square structure.

Once the design is select, the farmer needs to prepare the support posts in horticultural fields

These posts should be drive into the soil surface to ensure good utilization of the mesh. The size of the posts must be large enough to support the tension of the entire structure. These posts, generally made of wood, should be nailed every 30 centimeters on each side of the horticultural field.

Once the posts are in place, the farmer must roll the netting into the chosen shape. This mesh must be well fasten to prevent it from moving and damaging the crops. The mesh material must also be sufficiently knotted or preserved to prevent the penetration of harmful insects or animals. If necessary, farmers can also install some irrigation systems attached to the netting to ensure a good amount of moisture in the crops.

The process of installing a trellis in horticultural fields may seem like a complicated task. However, by following the steps listed carefully, growers will be well equipp to do the job efficiently. This is a simple and inexpensive technique that offers excellent protection against extreme weather and increases the overall performance of horticultural fields. Therefore, its use is highly recommend to increase growers’ productivity.

horticultural fields with raffia string
The process of installing a trellis in horticultural fields can be a complicated task, however, if the steps outlined are followed carefully, horticulturists will be well equipped to do the job effectively.

Materials required for the installation of a trellis netting in horticultural fields

Trellises are one of the most common and versatile gardening tools available. They are use in horticultural fields to provide support for crops such as vines, tomatillos, green beans and peppers. This netting helps support high growing plants and offers them protection from weather and insects. This mesh is one of the best ways to improve the overall appearance of a vegetable garden.

To properly install a trellis in a vegetable garden, the following materials are need first:

– Nails and screws: these are use to attach the trellis posts to the soil.

– Gardening tools: such as rulers, pruning shears, scissors, hammers, trowels and screwdrivers. These tools are need to measure and cut the mesh and to install the posts and fasten them to the ground.

– Wooden posts: these are use to provide support for the mesh, while allowing plants to grow through it.

– Trellis mesh: this is available in different sizes, widths and spacing between nails, depending on the type of crop to be support.

– Subsoil: a good amount of subsoil is need to fill in the posts and holes where the mesh supports will be place.

– Rotercut: a rotercut is use to put a hole just below the center of the posts to facilitate the assembly of the supports.

– Paint: paint is use to protect the mesh posts against possible weather damage and long-term durability.

– Cement: as a safety method, it is recommend to add some cement around the posts to make sure they are firmly attach to the ground.

white raffia string in a greenhouse
Trellises like raffia are one of the most common and versatile tools used in horticultural fields to support crops such as tomatillos, green beans and peppers.

First, before proceeding to install the mesh, the wooden posts must be carefully nailed

This should be do with gardening tools; nails and screws are need to secure them close to the ground. The posts should then be backfilled with subsoil and rotercut to help hold the mesh securely to the ground. Once the posts and supports are install, then the trellis mesh can be install. The mesh should be wrapped once around the post. Then tied securely with rope and every 8 nails fastened with an additional nail to ensure stability.

Finally, the wooden posts can be paint to prevent damage and add durability and strength to the posts. Once the paint has dried completely, cement can be add around the posts to hold them firmly to the ground.

Installing a trellis in horticultural fields is an excellent way. To improve the overall appearance of the site and provide support and protection for the plants. However, for such an installation to be successful, it is important to have the right materials and follow the correct terms. This will ensure not only that the netting is safe and strong. But also that the garden looks beautiful and well cared for.

Care should be consider when installing a trellis in horticultural fields

The use of a trellis netting is an excellent alternative to protect vegetable fields from wind, rain and insect damage. These nets are especially popular with growers who want to grow vegetables in windy areas or areas with frequent rainfall. However, before installing a trellis in a vegetable field. It is important for growers to be aware and take a number of precautions to ensure that the netting performs as expected.

Before installing any type of netting in the field, growers should confirm that the tubing, stabilizers and dowels used meet proper construction standards. The gauge and finish of the decking must be suitable for the application. And the pins must be strong enough to withstand the roller load. In addition, the installed outriggers and pins must be of sufficient capacity. Once growers secure a suitable platform, they need to decide on the mesh pattern to use. This decision depends primarily on the main crop to be protect. 

It is also important to consider how the trellis will be mount. In most cases, the mesh can be attach directly to the ground or it can be install on posts or support beams. These sections should be construct to avoid damage to the crop, soil or other adjacent elements. The depth of the support posts should also be carefully calculated, and environmental, fiscal and cost considerations also need to be taken into account. Once farmers have taken these measures, they should verify that the weight of the netting is appropriate. Failure to do so may result in misalignment and deformation of the mesh pattern.

peppers cultivation with raffia
Consideration should be given to how the raffia will be installed since in most cases, raffia can be attached directly to the ground or can be installed on posts or support beams.

We must also consider that care must be take in the selection of materials

Metal meshes usually have a higher durability than others, but you can also look for lighter materials for the application. Of course, it is recommend to use the stronger mesh for crops in more extreme climates. Growers should also consider the safety of the netting edges when installing the netting to avoid injury to passersby or animals as they pass through.

Growers should also check the integrity of the trellis netting before using it. This means checking for leaks or cracks in the mesh or deterioration over time. If cracks or breaks are detect, the netting needs to be replace to prevent crop damage. Finally, after installing the netting, growers should regularly monitor strength and durability levels to detect possible damage and adjust the netting if necessary. Thus, installing a trellis in horticultural fields requires careful and detail planning to ensure that crops are protect and growers get the best results. If growers take the time to consider each of the steps involved in installing a trellis, they can save time and money, as well as ensure that their crops are maintain to their maximum potential.

What are agrochemicals for horticultural crops?


Agrochemicals are chemicals use for horticultural crops. These products are natural, synthetic, biological, physical or organic chemicals. Applied to the soil to maintain good nutrition for fruit and vegetable production.

Agrochemicals can provide better protection against pests, diseases, open spaces, and favor the production of better quality vegetables. Fertilizers are the most common type of agrochemicals use in vegetable gardens. These products contain nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to improve the nutrient value of the soil. These elements help promote plant growth, stimulate food production, enhance disease resistance, improve coloration, and can improve soil quality.

Pesticide applications are also a common choice of agrochemicals for vegetable crops. These products control, kill or organize the spread of insects. Weeds and other crop enemies that can damage or impair food production. Sometimes a mixture of different chemicals is necessary to combat all possible problems. Herbicides are also an important category of agrochemicals. These products control the presence of weeds in the soil. Weeds can affect food production by competing for nutrients and plant space. A good herbicide application helps keep crops healthy and strong, providing the best possible productivity.

Growth regulators are also important agrochemicals for orchards

These chemicals directly affect plant grow, and can be use to control various factors such as fruit size, shape, time to maturity, flower production, etc. These products are use in orchards and gardens to improve crop yields.

Fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and growth regulators are the main types of agrochemicals use in horticultural production. These chemicals can reduce damage caused by pests, diseases, weeds and climatic factors, providing the farmer with good food production. However, before applying any type of agrochemicals to an orchard. It is important to be sure to know the potential effects on the environment and to be careful when using them.

Tomato plant with raffia
Fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and growth regulators are the most commonly use agrochemicals in horticultural production.

Damage generated by agrochemicals to horticultural crops

Agrochemicals, understood as chemicals used in agricultural production, are toxic products that can cause serious damage to plant health. These compounds include pesticides, chemical fertilizers, herbicides and fungicides. Because of their effectiveness in eliminating pests and diseases, and their low cost. Agrochemicals have become the preferred production method for horticultural crops. However, the adverse effects associated with the excessive use of agrochemicals, including damage to horticultural crops, are dangerous.

One of the main damages produced by agrochemicals on horticultural crops is the weakening of plant health. These chemicals contain toxic ingredients that. If used in excess, affect the growth rate and create harmful environmental conditions, which affect the survival of vegetables. Excessive use of pesticides can damage roots, leaves and flowers, sickening or damaging these parts of the plant. And eventually lead to the weakening of the plant as a whole.

In addition, an excess of chemical fertilizers can also poison horticultural crops

This is because these toxic substances accumulate in the soil, which means that over several different years the plants take up the same amounts of toxic nutrients. This means that vegetables can take up excess nitrates, phosphorus, nitrite and iron compounds, leading to the accumulation of heavy metals in plant tissues, with a detrimental and toxic effect.

Excessive use of agrochemicals can also lead to a decline in the quality and quantity of horticultural crops. This is because chemicals kill not only harmful insects, but also beneficial insects, thus undermining the biodiversity of the agricultural ecosystem. This means that the quality and quantity of crops will decrease, which is directly detrimental to food productivity and quality.

For these reasons, it is important to be prudent when using agrochemicals. The use of these chemicals should be based on careful planning in order to avoid harmful effects on horticultural crops. Those responsible for agricultural production should consider the use of ecological and organic techniques to provide the necessary protection to plants without endangering their health and quality. This means the application of alternative methods to mitigate the negative effects produced by agrochemicals, such as crop rotation, biological control or maintaining proper fertilization.

Greenhouse with raffia string
The function of agrochemicals is to reduce damage caused by pests, diseases, weeds and climatic factors.

How to reduce the use of agrochemicals in horticultural crops with trellis netting

The overuse of agrochemicals on horticultural crops is one of the major problems associated with modern agriculture. Agrochemicals are chemicals generally used to control pests, diseases and weeds, and often have adverse effects on the environment as well as on humans. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the use of agrochemicals in orchards using the application of trellising.

Trellising is a cotton fabric that is tie around the stems of a plant to give it support. This fabric forms a mesh when applied to the stems, and creates a support structure that supports the plant as it grows. This netting is also useful for blocking pests and weeds by providing a physical barrier in the soil that prevents them from invading the garden. This netting is also useful for reducing soil evaporation, which means less water is needed to irrigate crops.

In addition to providing a physical barrier against pests and weeds, trellising is also useful in reducing the risk of crop diseases

This mesh will cover the soil to prevent excessive moisture that can create conditions conducive to pest spread. In addition, some varieties of trellising can have physical and biological effects on some diseases, blocking pathogens from causing crop diseases. One way to decrease the use of agrochemicals with trellising is the application of selective insecticides to control pests. These products contain chemical compounds designed to kill specific pests without damaging the crops, the trellis will help restrict the area of insecticide application and ensure that even fewer insects enter the crops.

Trellising can help improve soil fertility. Trellising can be used to cover the furrows in which crops are planted to prevent soil erosion, maintain soil moisture content at an optimum level, and provide the right amount of shade to crops that prevents excessive evaporation of nutrients.

Using trellising as a way to reduce the use of agrochemicals on horticultural crops can be an effective way to improve orchard health and productivity while helping the environment. However, the application of trellising must be done properly to get the best results. A well-designed orchard with proper trellising can help keep pests and insect infestations under control while improving crop yields.

horticultural crops with white raffia string
It should be taken into account that when using agrochemicals, care should be taken to avoid harmful effects on crops due to the use of high amounts of chemicals.

More efficient ways to protect agricultural crops against phytopathogens


It is clear that the care of agricultural crops is of utmost importance for growers and farmers. As well as for the food security of the general population. However, pathogens can pose a threat to crops so it is crucial to find the best way to protect them.

In this regard, there are several techniques available to ensure that agricultural crops remain disease-free. From the use of biological control to pesticides to crop rotation. Each of these strategies can be use to prevent and reduce the spread of plant pathogens.

One of the most effective ways to deal with pathogens in crops is through biological control. Through this technique, particular pathogens are identify. That can be use to control the number of plant pathogens that are present on a farm. The organisms used include nematodes, lithopathogens, fungi, spiders, bacteria, etc. These organisms use pathogens to feed or compete, and in the process control the number of plant pathogens. This technique is relatively inexpensive and presents no risk to the environment or human health.

In addition to biological control, crop rotation is also a useful strategy to prevent the spread of plant pathogens

This means that farmers change the crops they plant in a field every year. This ensures that pathogens do not accumulate in one place for a long time and that crops are not expose to the same disease many times. In addition, crop rotation will also reduce the need for pesticides, saving costs for growers.

Finally, pesticides have also be use to deal with plant pathogens. However, this tool can be costly, in addition to posing a threat to the environment. Therefore, if pesticides are to be use, it is important to always follow Environmental Protection Agency guidelines to avoid potential problems to human health. There are several ways to ensure that agricultural crops are disease-free. From the use of biological control to crop rotation to pesticides, each of these techniques has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, to determine which strategy will be best for any farming operation, growers have to consider many factors, including cost, environmental impact and level of effectiveness. At the same time, they must also take appropriate measures to keep pathogens under control. In this way, growers can not only ensure that their crops are protect, but also contribute to global food security.

Greenhouse with balck raffia string
Agricultural crop care is of utmost importance to growers and farmers, pathogens can pose a threat to crops.

Most damaging phytopathogens that can infect agricultural crops

Plant pathogens are organisms (usually fungi or bacteria) that can make plants sick, causing significant damage or losses to agricultural crops. These diseases are usually spread by wind, soil, water or insects, and many of them can kill crops if not treat quickly and effectively.

The most damaging plant pathogens that agricultural crops can contract are as follows:

Downy mildew: Downy mildew is one of the most common and damaging plant pathogens to agricultural crops. It is a fungus that affects numerous plants, including herb, fruit and vegetable crops. This disease produces a gray mold on the upper leaves and usually results in leaf desiccation, and if the infection is not treat in time, it can kill all infected plants.

Aphids: Aphids are small, brown or green insects that are often very dangerous to agricultural crops. These pests feed on plant sap, causing rickets, desiccation and plant death. To treat this aphid infestation, a combination of preventive chemical treatments along with biological treatments is recommend to eliminate them.

Root rot: Root rot, also known as “melon smile disease”, is a very common disease of cereals, fruits and vegetables. This disease is characterize by the appearance of brown or gray spots on the roots or stem of the plant, leading to plant deterioration and, in advanced cases, death. Treatments for this disease usually consist of moisture control, fungicide treatment and alteration of growing conditions.

Race spot: Race spot is a disease cause by a fungus that affects many different crops, especially rice. This disease contributes to plant weakening, resulting in yellowing and death of stems and leaves. To combat it, a combination of chemical and cultural treatments is require.

Powdery mildew: Powdery mildew is a fungus that causes the destruction of the aerial part of plants, reducing their crop yield. This disease causes a brownish-gray appearance on leaves and destruction of fruits and flowers. To control powdery mildew infestation, the most common treatment is the use of specific fungicides.

Raffia string installed on plant
Plant pathogens are organisms (usually fungi or bacteria) that can infect plants and cause significant crop losses.

These are some of the most damaging phytopathogenic diseases that can affect agricultural crops

To prevent the occurrence of these pathogens, it is important to establish appropriate good agricultural practices, such as crop rotation and the proper use of chemical and biological treatments. In addition, it is important to keep fields clean and reduce weed and other debris loads, which reduces the risk of infection. If the infection is detected early, good disease management can help mitigate the negative effects on crops, reducing the amount of damage and yield loss.

How trellising helps protect agricultural crops from phytopathogens

Trellising is one of the most effective protection materials for the cultivation of agricultural crops. This netting is used to provide a physical barrier against different types of pests and pathogens, keeping crops safe and healthy. This is because the netting prevents insects and pathogens from invading crops. Trellising ensures that crops are safe from lethal pests and pathogens, which increases productivity and provides healthy crops.

Primarily, trellis netting is a thin tarpaulin made of weather-resistant synthetic fibers. This netting is mounted on a wire trellis structure, also known as a wire trellis. This structure kicks over the ground surrounding the crop and holds the netting around it to create an effective physical barrier against the entry of pests and pathogens. Because of its strong material, trellis netting is also used to protect crops from sudden changes in weather, which can damage crops.

agricultural crops yields
Trellis netting is used to provide a physical barrier against different types of pests and pathogens, keeping crops safe.

It also offers a variety of other benefits for growers

First, it provides sun protection for crops, which reduces crop stress and improves yields. This results in higher yields and higher quality crops. In addition, the netting will encourage wildlife such as birds, animals and pests to avoid the paddy field, which improves production since there is no competition for food. In addition to providing a physical barrier to protect crops against plant pathogens, trellising is extremely weather resistant, allowing growers to use the netting year-round without having to worry about constantly replacing it. The netting also reduces crop maintenance costs as it is cheaper than using fertilizers and other insecticides. This netting saves time and money at the same time.

Trellising is an effective way to protect crops against pathogens. This netting prevents pathogens from entering the crop field, which improves crop production and quality and increases farmers’ profitability. This netting also provides weather protection, which helps ensure crop stability throughout the year. With all these benefits, trellising has become an indispensable material in agriculture for protecting crops from lethal pests and pathogens.

Agricultural raffias is a sustainable and cost-effective solution for farmers.

Agricultural raffias, or natural palm fibers, is an inexpensive material that can be use to create shade structures over crops.

This can help to protect crops from the harsh effects of direct sunlight, such as leaf burn and dehydration. By providing shade, raffia can increase the amount of light available to the crop. Which is essential for photosynthesis, and boost yields. The use of Agricultural raffias in agriculture dates back centuries. With the material being use to cover and protect crops from the elements. Today, the use of raffia to provide shade has become increasingly popular among farmers.

As it is an affordable, eco-friendly solution that can help to improve crop yields. Raffia is an excellent choice for agricultural shade structures, as it is durable and lightweight. It is also easy to install and maintain, and can be reuse for many years. The material is also breathable, allowing air to flow through the shade structure and reduce the risk of heat stress on the crop. In addition to providing shade, raffia can also help to reduce the amount of water lost from the soil through evaporation, helping to conserve water resources.

This is especially important in areas where water is scarce, such as the arid regions of the world. The shade provided by the raffia can also help to reduce the temperature of the soil, which can improve the growth of certain crops. Raffia can also be use to create a windbreak around the crop, allowing the wind to be direct away from the crop and helping to protect it from wind damage. This can be especially useful in areas where wind is a problem, as it can reduce the amount of damage caused by wind and improve the crop’s yields.

Crops with string
Raffias can help to protect crops from the harsh effects of direct sunlight, such as leaf burn and dehydration.

Overall, raffia is an effective and affordable solution for farmers looking to improve sun exposure for their crops.

The material is lightweight and easy to install, and can be reuse for many years. It is also breathable and can help to reduce the amount of water lost from the soil through evaporation. In addition, the shade provided by raffia can help to reduce the temperature of the soil, as well as create a windbreak to protect the crop from wind damage. All of these benefits make raffia an excellent choice for farmers looking to improve sun exposure for their crops.

Installing Agricultural Raffias: A Step-by-Step Guide Agricultural raffias, also known as agricultural twine, is an essential tool for many farmers and gardeners. It is use to tie plants together, train vines, and mark rows of crops. It is also an excellent form of erosion control and can be used to secure plastic ground covers. Installing agricultural raffia is not difficult and is essential for any gardening or farming project. This guide will show you step-by-step how to install agricultural raffia.

Agricultural raffia, also known as agricultural twine, are an essential tool for many farmers and gardeners.

Step 1:

Gather Your Materials Before you can begin installing your agricultural raffia, you will need to gather your materials. You will need agricultural raffia, scissors, stakes, and a hammer. You may also need other materials, such as a string trimmer, depending on your project.

Step 2:

Measure and Cut the Raffia Once you have gathered your materials, you will need to measure and cut the raffia. You can measure the length you need with a measuring tape. Make sure to add an extra foot or two for each piece to allow for a little extra slack. Once you have measured the length you need, use scissors to cut the raffia.

Step 3:

Secure the Raffia Once you have cut the raffia, you are ready to secure it. Begin by inserting a stake into the ground where you want to secure the raffia. Hammer the stake into the ground and make sure it is firmly in place. Once the stake is in place, wrap the raffia around it a few times and secure it with a knot.

Agricultural raffia
Before installing the raffia you must gather the proper materials such as scissors, stakes and a hammer.

Step 4:

Attach the Raffia to Other Objects If you are installing the raffia around an object, such as a trellis or fence, you will need to attach the raffia to the object. This can be done by looping the raffia around the object and securing it with a knot. Make sure you leave enough slack to allow for some movement.

Step 5:

Trim any Excess Raffia Once you have secured the raffia, you will need to trim any excess raffia. This can be done with a string trimmer or scissors. Make sure you leave enough slack for movement. And there you have it! Installing agricultural raffia is not difficult and is a great way to secure plants, vines, and other objects. With these five easy steps, you will be able to install your agricultural raffia in no time.

Agricultural raffia is a type of product that is used for supporting vegetables in the garden. This type of product is an important tool for many gardeners, as it ensures that vegetables are able to grow to their full potential. While there are other products available for supporting vegetables, agricultural raffia stands out as a leader in this category. First of all, agricultural raffia is an incredibly strong and durable material. It is made from a type of plastic that is designed to be resistant to the elements, meaning that it will not rot or tear when exposed to rain, sun, or wind. This makes it an ideal choice for supporting vegetables, as it will not weaken over time and can provide a stable base for the plants. Additionally, agricultural raffia is relatively lightweight, making it easy to install and use.

Smart and Protective

Agricultural netting as a guard for plants against birds, insects and weather

With the advancement of agricultural methods and techniques, the high cost and complicated agri-business has turned now into smart and convenient farming. Agricultural netting is one of such techniques. Netting not only protects plants and crops from birds’ assault, insects and adverse weather conditions, but also upsurge the crops production yields. Netting in farms and gardens results in minimum damage or loss of the plants and their fruits. The amount invested for this will turn into high profits, when the crops will be ripped and ready to sale or utilize. It is seen that the expenses which are incurred on agricultural netting are mostly recovered when the first season of crop cultivation is over.

Agricultural netting
In addition to protecting the crops of birds, the agricultural network also protects them from insects and weather.

Available types of agricultural netting

Netting is available in different types and characteristics. Wide range of nets are offered nowadays which are diversified as per material, dimensions, shapes, thread, fiber, size, cost and weight. One of the types of netting is ‘insect proof netting’, which does not allow pests to reach the plant and protect its fruit from fungal or bacterial infections. These nets produce opaque shading influence with low absorbency and penetrability, which reduces the negative solar effects on the plants. These nets are eco-friendly and concerned with human health as well. Most of the times, this netting is of transparent or white color. While other sort of nets used for agricultural protection are of different green shades. The net turns its color from green to yellow with the life span of crops and turns completely yellow when the fruits are ripped. 

Agricultural raffia placed on plants
The agricultural network has different types in the market and the price varies depending on the material of the network.

Another type of netting is ‘orchard netting’ or ‘hail netting’ in which high density net is used to protect plants from hailing, heavy rains and other adverse weather conditions. Soil cloth netting is widely used, not only for plants’ safeguard but to make pathways suitable and safe from weeds, plants thorns and spines. Wind break netting is installed at a distance from the crops as this sort of netting breaks the pressure and strength of winds and protects crops from collapse and damages. UV polythene netting is also used which is made up of high density threads. This sort of netting is of high quality and widely produced in Europe. It is low in cost and has long life. ‘English Flat Woven Netting’ is made up of stiff material and dual fiber. It is produced with flat looms. This type of netting is rigid and strong, and commonly used in vineyards. Most of the netting available and used nowadays is long-lasting, defensive from ultra-violet rays and waterproof. Mostly the apparent net has small squared holes of less than an inch size which makes hurdle for a bird’s beak or insect to reach the plant.

When the applied netting turns over age, additives are applied to overcome any changes that are caused due to depreciation in addition to wear and tear of the netting material. These additives act as stabilizers and are usually produced from grains with a mixture of HDPE compound.  

Raffia tied in support branch
The pressure network is a good option since it reduces the pressure and the force that the winds cause towards crops.

Plant Training as an alternate

Apart from netting, plant training is also practiced by cultivators commonly. Particularly in the production of cucumber, tomatoes, peppers and eggplants, this phenomenon is common. Branches of a plant are pruned to keep them straight and at fixed positions to achieve desired shape and height. This pruning allows grower to choose that how many branches of a plant will be fertilized for fruit production. Plant training also includes plant trellising, which provides crops with better air stream and sunlight to increase their production ability. A plant which is trellised effectively will be able to produce more tasteful and large fruits. Hortomallas trellising of plants saves time as compared to that which is spent in installation of agricultural netting and assures even high yields than netting. Trellised and trained plants are less exposed to diseases and infections, thus it also saves the cost incurred by growers for sterilizing and disinfecting plants with agrochemicals. 

Another purpose for which agricultural netting is widely used is pigeon control. Small birds cause great loss to the plants, especially when they are producing fruits. High wired crops are safe from damages caused by birds. Hence pigeon control can be considered as a byproduct of agricultural netting.

Cane nailed to the ground and raffia
The agricultural network also works to train plants such as cucumber, tomato, eggplant and pepper plants.

Installation of agricultural netting

Netting support erections made up of wood, steel or cement material are installed at the base or foundation of crops. In case of hail netting, the net is placed inclined over the base structure making a slope of longitudinal fiber threads or wires, which slips and throws down the hails. Growers install these structures to make the plants grow firmly and to avoid any collapse especially when they are loaded with mature fruits. In farms and gardens usually the net is tied with unbreakable cables approximately 30-35 meters high, which is the normal maximum height of trees. In case of greenhouse production, thermal sheets are also installed along with netting to produce more shading and decrease negative effects of thermal energy. Beautifying and decorating of netting is an optional activity, which is done specifically by home gardeners. Netting is adorned by beads, garlands, ribbons and spare ornamentation stuff at home.  

Raffia tied to branch covered by plants
The agricultural network can work with the greenhouses where thermal sheets and the network are needed to shade the crops.

Benefits of applying agricultural netting

  • Protection from insects, birds and small animals like rabbits, squirrel and rats.
  • Protection from bad weather conditions, such as strong winds, heavy rain and hailing. 
  • Increase the productivity of fertilized crops.
  • Aid to the life and assure good health of plants.
  • Human health friendly as it protects crops against various bacterial and fungal diseases. 
  • Minimize the negative impacts of solar radiations, particularly in greenhouses. 
Roll of agricultural raffia
The advantages of using the agricultural network are that it helps protect crops from birds, insects in addition to protecting them from weather conditions.

The above discussion concludes that agricultural netting is mandatory for farming. Growers should choose the best and most appropriate sort of netting for their farms or gardens. The right choice of netting is done in consideration with many important factors, such as netting material, characteristics, design, size and cost. 

The fall in usage of Agricultural raffia twine

Unfavorable effects of Agricultural raffia twine

Growing plants, fruits, vegetables or grains, need a lot of care and support. Either it’s about home gardening or large scale agricultural farming, plants demand proper maintenance and provisions. Agricultural raffia twine was one of such maintenance system that was used for supporting fruits loaded branches of plants. Raffia is actually an artificial raw material used in textile industry. It is extracted from polymers and looks like threads. In the light of various evidences, it is worth noting that raffia twine was not actually agricultural raffia twine. This means that the purpose of this product was not to serve in agricultural or farming usage. In fact it can cause real damage to the plants, particularly when they are in fruits’ maturity time. Decades ago, there was ample use of agricultural raffia twine by agronomists because it was cheap, light weighted, robust and easily available. With the passage of time, its preference became obsolete and its usage started to decrease rapidly.

Agricultural Raffia Twine
The disadvantage of raffia is that it can damage plants.

Six major contributors to the fall of agricultural raffia twine

There were a number of reasons that made agricultural raffia twine unwanted and proven to be detrimental. Some of these negative points are discussed here:

  1. It was fungus adapter. Pestilences of fungal bacteria were commonly observed among threads. These micro-organisms used to stick in twine grooves and produce toxic germs.
  2. As the agricultural raffia twine becomes infected, there were high chances of transferring such infections to the agricultural products.
  3. The complex structure of raffia applied in plants, needed to be reconstructed again and again, as the size of plants increased with its growth. Great time and labor were spent for these reconstructions. Thus the growers had to bear high labor costs.
  4. If a part of netting is cracked, it is not repairable, rather whole net needed to be replaced.
  5. Due to its complicated maintenance, either it is replacing a net or modifying its structural design, there was always a threat to the health and life of the plants.
  6. Despite of employing man power and spending a lot of time on building agricultural raffia twine’s structure, the netting could not be used for the second season, but is wasted at the end of cultivation.
 Agricultural raffia installed in crops
The raffia has a very complex structure that every time the plants grow it has to be built more than once.

Replacement of agricultural raffia twine

Despite of these negative aspects, agricultural raffia twine was used for a very long period of time in agriculture sector. The raffia twine was itself economical and easily adaptable. With its usage, particularly vertical farming was improved. Plants were more open to the sunlight and ventilation, which enhanced their health. It was available in different types and versions. Commonly used types were offered with three or four stands made up of polyester material top. The netting of raffia twine was usually made up of regular fiber threads, sisal webs and twisted nylon threads. Afterwards a number of stake products were launched in market and these products were good substitutes of traditional raffia twine. These products saved the cultivating cost of farmers and also increased their production efficiency.

Agricultural raffia attached to stakes
The advantages of raffia yarn are that it is easy to use and gives space to plants and improves their health.

One of such agricultural support product is ‘plastic mesh’. They are a sort of plug and play farming device. These plastic meshes are installed quickly in gardens, farms and crops area and need no readjustments or reconstructions with the growth of plants. In this way they save time and labor both. In contrast with the agricultural raffia twine, these meshes are inorganic substances. They can be cleaned by washing and can be reused for three to four times at least. So these are considered as cost saving and improved quality products.

There are a number of plant stakes available nowadays for the production of plants and crops. They increase the production capacity of fertilized crops and proven to be the best remedy for the prevention of plants diseases and assure healthy harvesting. Some of these are stood alongside plants and some are tied with the stem of plants. These plant stakes are widely used in growing tomatoes at large scale. They not only support plants in their development but sometimes also make their growth in desired course or direction of the cultivator. These plant stakes are also used in indoor growing of plants such as greenhouses. On the other hand when it is about cultivation on large area field, hail netting is also used for the protection of crops from any damage caused by hailing, storms and other natural disasters. The structure of hail netting depends upon the pattern of plants grown, their quantity and size.

Agricultural raffia covered with plants
Raffia can reduce the stress of the plants and this causes the plants to have a better production.

Another simple and cost effective technique to safeguard the agricultural products is ‘tutoring’. The traditional agricultural raffia twine required manual knitting of threads but tutoring is way too simple as compared to that. The fiber rings of tutoring can also be used side by side with other sort of nettings. Sometimes hortomallas are used on different nettings. These are sluggish agricultural chemicals which increase the life and strength of threads which are used in crop netting. Hence the net becomes able to be used over and over. This also strengthens the netting to resist against heavy rainfalls and strong winds. These hortomalls are considered as a perfect replacement to traditional raffia twine. They also decrease the physical stress on plants, specifically when they are loaded with fruits. On large scale, the decrease in this stress leads to a positive increase in the production of agricultural products such as fruits, vegetables, crops and other plants. These advanced products also minimize the necessity of physical variations in plants as cutting off any of the part of a growing plant decreases its growth and fertility.

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